In the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond. A History of Jews and Muslims (15th-17th Centuries), 2 vols. Editor(s):José Alberto R. Silva Tavim, Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros, Lúcia Liba Mucznik

In the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond. A History of Jews and Muslims (15th-17th Centuries), 2  vols.


Editor(s):José Alberto R. Silva Tavim, Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros, Lúcia Liba Mucznik


Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015


Book Description

These books are the result of two scientific encounters hosted by the University of Évora in 2012, with the theme “Muslims and Jews in Portugal and the Diaspora. Identities and Memories (16th–17th centuries)”, and co-financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, and by FEDER, through “Eixo I” of the “Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade” (POFC) of QREN (COMPETE). Beginning with an analysis of the forced conversion of Iberian Jews and Muslims, these volumes examines the effects of this on their respective Diasporas, focusing on a variety of approaches, from language and culture to identity discourses and interchanges between those communities.



Vol. 1

Introduction  [1]

Chapter I – After the Expulsion: Conversion and Diaspora

Mobilidade e alteridade: quadros do quotidiano dos cristãos-novos sefarditas [24]

Maria José P. Ferro Tavares

Muslims in the Portuguese Kingdom: Between Permanence and Diaspora [64]

Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros

The Perpetuation of the Morisco Community of Granada: Their Networks in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond [86]

Manuel M. Fernández-Chaves and Rafael M. Pérez-García

Comparing Minorities of converso Origin in Early Modern Spain: Uses of Language, Writing and Translation [117]

Mercedes García-Arenal


Chapter II – Identity Discourses

Back from Portugal: A Fifteenth Century Castilian-Born Reconciled New Christian Says his Prayers in the Hebrew Language [154]

Alisa Meyhuas Ginio

El árabe de los moriscos castellanos. ¿Herramienta ritual o vehículo de cohesión socio-cultural? [164]

Francisco J. Moreno Díaz del Campo

Les “Mouros de sinal” du Portugal au XVIe siècle [186]

Ahmed Boucharb

Mouriscos e escrita : cartas em árabe de cativos marroquinos [196]

Abdallah Khawli

From the House of David to the Tribe of Levi: The Concept of Nobility among Communities of Sephardic Origin [211]

João de Figueiroa-Rego

Ennoblecimiento de cristianos nuevos portugueses en el siglo XVII [228]

Juan Ignacio Pulido

Chapter III – Cultural Trends

Conversion Theology among Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Jews: Protestant and Islamic Subtexts [252]

Carsten Wilke

“Dixo un `alim”: Cultural Patterns in Late Spanish Islam [266]

Luís Bernabé Pons

Humanism in the Thought of Isaac and Judah Abravanel [287]

Andrew Gluck

“LUZO vem de LUZ lugar amigo/de Deos”: Messianismo Judaico e Tradição Cabalística em Manuel Bocarro Francês e Rosales (c. 1588-1662) [308]

Sandra Neves Silva

L `esilio del popolo ebraico nelle Prevenciones divinas di Isaac Orobio de Castro nel suo dialogo con Philip Van Limborch [328]

Myriam Silvera

Early Modern Economic Thought and Portuguese-Jewish Self-perception [348]

Miriam Bodian


Vol. 2

Chapter IV - Interchange between Jews and Muslims and Multiconfessionalism

Dialogue of the Believers (16th-17th centuries) [2]

José Alberto R. Silva Tavim

Notes sur les phénomènes de conversion et dissimulation des voyageurs portugais au Moyen Orient (16e et 17e siècles) [26]

Vasco Resende

Os Muçulmanos em Portugal no século XVIII e o Resgate Geral de Cativos de 1729 [44]

Edite Alberto

Chapter V – Language and Aljamia

Jewish and Arab Medieval Ibero-Romance: Towards a Comparative Study [64]

David  M. Bunis

Historia de la Lengua Sefardí: el caso de las oraciones de relativo (ss. XVI-XX) [149]

Aitor García Moreno

Judeo-Spanish in Contact with Portuguese: Linguistic Outcomes [165]

Aldina Quintana

Aljamías hebraicoromances en la Corona de Aragón [197]

Meritxell Blasco Orellana

Chapter VI – Material and Intangible Culture

Father António Vieira (1608-1697) in Inquisitorial Perspective 1736-1746 [220]

Herman Prins Salomon

Judaica nas coleções da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal [236]

Lúcia Liba Mucznik

viii Contents

Intertwining Cultures: Memories of the Andalusi Past [246]

Hilary Pomeroy

Porous Frontiers of the Hand Symbol [258]

Eva-Maria von Kemnitz

Publicado em 11.05.2015